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Workgroup De Nederlandse helm

Out of common interest, a few helmet collectors came together in 2011 to share questions and knowledge concerning Dutch steel helmets.

Based on this common interest, workgroup ‘De Nederlandse helm’ was established on 26 February 2012 with the aim of combining knowledge and strength, in order to answer questions the members had.

On Saturday 12 May 2012, a start was made on research and on writing a new book about the Dutch steel helmet, which was to follow an earlier published book by Kevin de Joode.

Ultimately, the study by the workgroup lasted over 7 years, during which many archives were visited, but also various technical investigations were conducted.

This research eventually led to a beautiful and very comprehensive book about the Dutch steel helmet. A book that the members of the working group can be proud of.

The workgroup is a close group of helmet enthusiasts who have carried out various studies to gain an answer and insight into the origin of the Dutch steel helmet.

You can order this great book by sending the form below. The costs are €79,95 for one book plus additional shipping costs, dependant on where to ship to.

After sending the form, we will contact you for completing the order.

Boek De Nederlandse stalen helm 1916-1992